As Republicans go to the polls for the Iowa Primary they should think twice, maybe three times before pulling a lever for Rick Santorum.  This is the same guy who just as well said that if he is elected President he would go to war with Iran in a heart beat.  He made it clear yesterday that if he felt that Iran had nuclear capabilities, and that they posed a threat, he would bomb Iran without hesitation. The idea that Mr. Santorum made such a comment is not the issue here. The problem is that in the name of sound good politics and the all mighty sound bite, he was ready to make such a comment just to woo the voters to his corner. 

Republicans!……You can not have it both ways. You are either going to deal with Americas ailing economy, and get America back to work and balance the Federal Budget, or you are willing to risk the Security of the entire country by spending more Billions if not Trillions of dollars that we do not have on yet another Mid-East war. 

This is why I have said over and over again to both Parties that Voters have got to wake up, smell the coffee and listen to what these candidates for President are actually saying. Just because it sounds good and they say it with grited teeth and a firm conviction does not mean that they are saying the right thing.  All too often I have found myself concerned with not what a particular candidate is saying, because what really bothered me and got stuck in my crawl was what they were not saying. A perfect example of that was Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan.  His favorite campaign slogan that he said at every whistle stop across the State was “I’m all about Michigan”.  or “I’m all about re-inventing Michigan”.” I’m all about jobs “.   But he was always vague as to exactly how he was going to pull off this task.  Well, we found out after he was sworn in as Governor.

The first thing he did was attack anyone who needed help the most. He just about wiped out Social Services. He revised the guidelines for Food stamps. He tighened eligibility for Medicaid. He just signed legislation tightening eligibility for Unemployment benifits as well. This Governor has all but eliminated the Social Saftey Net in Michigan.   He has reduced taxes for the rich and basically left the little guy out in the cold. He’s all about Michigan alright. He just loves Michigan. He loves Michigan so much he wants to have dictatorial powers over the whole State. So he has seen to the passage of legislation that permits the State to appoint Emergency Managers for cities in financial trouble, a sure thing since this Governor who is all about Michigan took State revenue sharing away from Michigan cities. 

This is exactly what I mean about people paying more attention to what is going on. Santorum is talking war, and we aren’t even through the primaries yet.  But now all of a sudden this guy is supposed to be the greatest thing since Reagan!

My hope is that my tags will be enough for Iowa voters surfing the net and Blogs might, just might come across this article, and in doing so give pause for thought before going to the polls on Tuesday. Because, if they do what I am afraid they are going to do, then the Republicans are in more trouble than I ever thought. However, if Iowa’n are smarter than most candidates think they are, then they will take that double look at Santorum and decide that this is not what we the American people want from The President of the United States.  We shall see……We shall see.

As usual, I look forward to reader comments.

Have a great day…..and to our friends in Iowa…….Don’t forget to vote.



I am 62 years old. I've been blogging for several years. I am into History and Politics as well as currant events. The latter being the main issues covered on these pages. I was a Community Advocate for twenty years, and a volunteer aide in a State Representatives Office in my home state of Michigan. While I have basically ceased these activities, I still watch the world around me closely and report on it as much as I can, which I might add is often. I encourage comments on my Blogs. I only ask that we keep our opinions clean and without insults threats or intimidation. I hope you take time to read The Horton Journal, and look forward to your comments.
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